Tag: LAN Archive

Tagaytay Network Part 5: Network Needs

Published on November 2, 2023 at 10:31 am by LEW


In this post I will be taking a look at what is and is not working in my current network setup. Some of this will simply be thoughts about reconfiguration. Other items are actual problems that need to be addressed.

Just a reminder that I am not yet on site, so this will be mostly speculative in nature. Once I have a chance to actually inspect and review the network, I will be in a better position to plan the project and move forward. (more…)

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Tagaytay Network Part 2: Current Setup

Published on October 23, 2023 at 10:25 am by LEW

Router Introduction

Having looked at the original network setup in the last post, lets turn our attention to what is currently in place. The current setup is somewhat more complex than the earlier version and addresses some of the original issues. (more…)

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Hodgepodge 3xNAS Part 10 Cockpit Web GUI RAID 5

Published on May 30, 2023 at 3:45 pm by LEW


In the last post we created a RAID 5 array from the command line. In this post we are going to do the same thing using the Cockpit GUI for our virtual Debian 12 Server. Because of the number of pictures I was using, I decided to do a video instead of the standard text write up.


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Hodgepodge 3xNAS Part 7 SMB/CIFS

Published on May 18, 2023 at 7:18 pm by LEW


This is where things start to congeal. In this post we will set up network file shares on our server Virtual Machine (VM). Our goal is one share accessible by all users on its own drive. In addition each user should be able to access their own home directory. (more…)

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Tackling the Storage Monkey

Published on May 3, 2023 at 4:08 pm by LEW


Some days ago I decided to try out a couple of Network Attached Storage (NAS) applications in VirtualBox before deciding which one I would like to deploy on the network. And I came to a startling conclusion. I don’t really need NAS! (more…)

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