Tag: Network Archive

Tagaytay Network Part 5: Network Needs

Published on November 2, 2023 at 10:31 am by LEW


In this post I will be taking a look at what is and is not working in my current network setup. Some of this will simply be thoughts about reconfiguration. Other items are actual problems that need to be addressed.

Just a reminder that I am not yet on site, so this will be mostly speculative in nature. Once I have a chance to actually inspect and review the network, I will be in a better position to plan the project and move forward. (more…)

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Tagaytay Network Part 4: Backups and Archives

Published on October 30, 2023 at 2:28 pm by LEW


Backups is another subject I want to take a few minutes to explore. While not specifically related to the Local Area networks (LAN) I will be working on, it is something that most of us do not give much thought to until it is to late. While I do backups on my computer, I probably don’t do them as often as the experts would recommend. Nor do I exactly follow any of the methodologies that I see being proposed. It is not that I necessarily agree or disagree with the methodologies, but rather that I have some understanding of the law of diminishing returns. (more…)

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Tagaytay Network Part 2: Current Setup

Published on October 23, 2023 at 10:25 am by LEW

Router Introduction

Having looked at the original network setup in the last post, lets turn our attention to what is currently in place. The current setup is somewhat more complex than the earlier version and addresses some of the original issues. (more…)

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Tagaytay Network Part 1: Some Thoughts

Published on October 21, 2023 at 4:50 pm by LEW


In this series of posts I am going to walk through the previous, current, and possible future states of my home network in Tagaytay. I want to review how it became what it is today, and what I hope it becomes in the future. (more…)

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SystemD Leviathan Part 5 Networking

Published on October 14, 2023 at 12:46 pm by LEW


In this post, the area of systemd we want to explore is networking. Specifically networkd and resolved. Networking in systemd works, but in many cases it can be somewhat more manual and clunky to setup than other methods. (more…)

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