I making some predictions for the coming year of 2025. There is nothing scientific or statistical about any of them. These are just my opinion, so feel free to disagree with them. This is somewhat outside of my comfort zone, and the main reason I am doing this is to get a few articles posted before this site goes live on January 1st. Also some of you may not like the way I phrase things. But then again I have never been know for being politically correct. So be forewarned, and go elsewhere if you are the easily offended type.
Prediction #1 2025 is Not the Year of the Linux Desktop
2025 is not going to be the year of the Linux desktop. Linux currently holds around 4% to 5% of the desktop market share, depending on what one includes and how one measures it. I believe that Linux will continue to grow, possibly hitting around 7% to 8% of the desktop market at best.
Of course in my opinion I do not believe there should be a year of the Linux desktop, mainly because once the corporate world takes notice and smells profit, Linux as we know it today will disappear. If one needs an example, look at some of the business moves coming out of Red Hat or Canonical.
I would love to see manufacturers expend as much effort on Linux as they do on Windows. I just don’t trust the corporate world to do right by users as they will always, in their short sighted way, go after profit over user experience.
Prediction #2 Windows 11 will Dominate Desktop Market
In spite of the greedy capitalists at Microsoft (and Apple, why do all the communists and socialists use a capitalist operating system?) doing everything they can to exploit their user base, they know they are not going anywhere.
When October rolls around The last and nosiest Windows 10 hold outs and complainers will dutifully give up some more of their privacy and start migrating to Windows 11. Windows 11 desktop market share should spike up significantly in November and December of 2025.
Prediction #3 Trumps Home Front Agenda will be Stalled by Republicans
Lets get away form Technology now. When Trump take’s over as President, I predict little to no issues, in spite of what the click baiters are saying.
Trump will perform very well on the international scene, but he will be hamstrung on the home front agenda. Democrats will continue their destructive practice of voting party line no mater what.
But what Trump will need to worry about are the Republicans breaking ranks like they always do. Which in its way is better than blindly following the party line and not listening to the people who got them elected. Though I question how many republicans actually listen to their electorate.
Prediction #4 Environmental and Climate Activists Continue Down the Wrong Road
Climate activists will continue to go down the wrong road in 2025. There are two parts to climate change Natural (which has been happening since the day of creation), and man made (which has only been around a few hundred years).
Interestingly I have not seen any compelling research in to what percentage of current climate change is natural and what percentage is man made. The problem is that climate activists can do nothing about natural climate change, so ignore it. And of course they are not going to talk about certain countries high on the pollution landscape, so are totally ineffective against man made climate change.
But it does not really matter, because it can not be stopped, and they should focus their efforts on how the human race will survive a major climate event (right road). Instead they will engage in continued useless protests and banter (wrong road) in pursuit of the mammon (capitalism at its finest).
Prediction #5 Electric Vehicles Will Break the Power Grid
If some US States continue to make significant moves to electric vehicles in 2025, two things will happen.
First the use of fossil fuel will increase. Why you may ask, because more than 60% of electricity in the US comes from the burning of Fossil fuel. In some States pushing electric vehicles it is a much higher percentage.
While significant strides have been made in clean energy (though there are a few issues the activists always fail to mention), it is still to expensive to be practical.
Second, rolling black outs will be common across the country as our electrical grid is ancient, and stressed to the maximum. It is in need of serious updating, and the strain of electric cars drawing additional power from the grid will be too much for it in its current condition.