Tag: php Archive

Basic LAMP Server Part 3

Published on April 13, 2023 at 7:20 am by LEW


The server is running and a basic firewall is up. Now it is time to turn our attention towards some of the programs running on our server. In this post we will be looking at a few things you can do to program configurations to help harden your server. (more…)

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Basic LAMP Server Part 2

Published on April 13, 2023 at 7:07 am by LEW


In the last post we set up a LAMP server. The next step, before jumping into some of the things you can do with it, is to think about server security. This is not going to be a complete how-to on securing a server against attack, as the assumption at this point is that usage is restricted to your personal LAN. The focus will be on limiting casual user access. (more…)

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Basic LAMP Server Part 1

Published on April 13, 2023 at 6:44 am by LEW


This is the first of a three post series about setting up a LAMP server using Debian Linux. LAMP is an acronym that original stood for Linux Apache MySQL PHP. Where Linux is an Operating System, Apache is a Web Server, MySQL is a relational Database, and PHP is a scripting/Programming language. (more…)

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