Tag: install Archive

Arch Linux Pacstrap Issues in VirtualBox

Published on July 28, 2023 at 6:23 am by LEW


While doing Arch installs on Virtual Machines (VM) under VirtualBox (Vbox) I have on occasion noted a specific issue when installing software. Specifically, pacstrap not installing software and packages and reporting that “error: keyring is not writable”. (more…)

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Debain 12, Virtualbox, and UEFI

Published on July 19, 2023 at 6:39 am by LEW


I tried to install Debian 12 in Virtualbox in UEFI mode, and ran into a problem. That being I could not install it directly. I thought I must be doing something wrong, because the installer kept going to a gray screen. But after some research I have come to the conclusion that not may people have tried the above combination. (more…)

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Debian (GNU/Linux) Base System Build

Published on April 12, 2023 at 7:30 am by LEW


Over the years I have built a number of computer systems, both desktop and server. In most instances I start by building a base system first, then add only the needed functionality. I choose this method because of previous experience with a wide variety of prepackaged options installing varying amounts of software I would not normally use, or even choose to install.

So rather than cover this subject multiple times, I felt it better to dedicate one post to creating a base starter system, then referring back to it as needed. This post will walk through creating a base Linux system that can be used as a starting point for multiple types of computers.


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KISS Install With GNU/Linux

Published on December 28, 2022 at 5:34 pm by LEW


In this post I will be walking through a Debian GNU/LINUX installation for the Average Computer User. For this installation tutorial I will be using the K.I.S.S. principal. While there are numerous much more politically correct less offensive definitions, I prefer the one I initially learned many years ago. Keep It Simple, Stupid! (more…)

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Arch Linux Install Update

Published on August 16, 2022 at 7:29 pm by LEW


In August of 2022 I built a new Arch Linux system, and found my install instructions from February of 2022 to be busted. To be fair, there were a few things about the original install I was not totally satisfied with. So this post is to announce a complete rewrite of the instructions. (more…)

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