Tag: Base Archive

Debian (GNU/Linux) Base System Build

Published on April 12, 2023 at 7:30 am by LEW


Over the years I have built a number of computer systems, both desktop and server. In most instances I start by building a base system first, then add only the needed functionality. I choose this method because of previous experience with a wide variety of prepackaged options installing varying amounts of software I would not normally use, or even choose to install.

So rather than cover this subject multiple times, I felt it better to dedicate one post to creating a base starter system, then referring back to it as needed. This post will walk through creating a base Linux system that can be used as a starting point for multiple types of computers.


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Crossing the Arch (Linux) Part 1 Introduction

Published on February 4, 2022 at 5:04 am by LEW

Arch LogoIntroduction

In this post I am going to install Arch Linux on both a virtual machine and a dedicated computer. have been working with Arch Linux for about six months at the time of this update. I am not counting any time with derivatives like Manjaro as they have an installer that does all the work for you. (more…)

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Common Helper Additions for Base Install

Published on September 12, 2021 at 7:53 am by LEW


While the base install of Debian provides a functional computer, there are some utility programs that can make the experience better. I am going to talk about installing a few of these here.

If following the base install you would have unchecked the last box in tasksel, marked “standard system utilities”. Note this only is available on new system installs. If tasksel is run after install is complete the option will not be present. (more…)

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