Resolving the Unresolved

Published on March 3, 2023 at 2:19 pm by LEW

I have been back stateside for around a month and a half now, and my situation, in most respects,  is not really any closer to resolution than it was when first I arrived.

One thing that has worked out was a medical issue, that was resolved quicker than I thought it would be. I was expecting a surgery to occur in a month or two. Instead it is over and done with, except for recovery and rehabilitation. This sort of put the “finding a place of our own” issue on hold. I hope to get it back on track in the near future. But we shall see how things go.

The real problem I have at the moment, is no place to set up my desktop or any other equipment. So it all remains in storage. And I continue to work with my five year old laptop. The eighth generation intel processor is good, but my changing needs are kind of pushing its limits.

To that end I am planning on getting a new laptop with a newer processor, more memory, larger drive, and a dedicated graphics card. It will be a bit more expensive than upgrading my my desktop, but much more convenient for my current situation.  At some point i will also add a dock for additional functionality when I have a bit more space.

But this got me thinking. I was using Arch Linux on my desktop back in the Philippines. It dual booted with Windows 10. However, I almost never used MS Windows for actual work. I am sure my next laptop will come with Windows 11 and Secure Boot enabled. Looking on line I see a lot of articles about Secure Booting and Linux. I also note that while Debian based distros can use Secure Boot, Arch does not by default. And looking at some of the howto guides yielded a bit of confusion.

Most dual boot guides have you disabling Secure boot, even for Windows 11. Beyond what is posted at the Microsoft site, I can not find any information on any negative impacts for disabling secure boot after Windows 11 is installed. Although I understand some games will not run with Secure Boot disabled.

My basic opinion on Secure Boot (which is misnamed for what it does, which many IT security folk seem blissful unaware)) is that it could be a good thing if it had a user interface. What really needs tom happen is all manufacturers need to get together and tell Microsoft to pound sand with their system requirements.  And open secure boot up for users to easily sign and use whatever boot software they want.

Anyway I am looking into Secure Boot and Linux to see what I can do with it. Fortunately VirtualBox now has an emulator, so I can play around with , without screwing up boot mode on a actual machine.

We shall see where that goes. I will take lots of notes and eventually publish a post with my findings.

Not much else to say at the moment, except I am currently spending a majority of my computer time working on YouTube videos based on some of my old posts. I hope the new laptop speeds that process up, and I can free up some time to do more posting on this site.


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