Hurry Up and Wait – The Big Move

Published on February 26, 2022 at 5:32 pm by LEW

This week I checked out of a rental residence, went to the airport, boarded a plane, flew halfway around the world and drove to a house . The grand adventure/relocation summarized in a sentence.  And the most common item at each step, “hurry up and wait”. Sometimes it feels like that might be the sum of all human endeavors.

To be sure, planning a trip like this during a pandemic was neither smooth or cheap. Marred as it was by economic and pandemic politics. The two are currently inseparable today.

But the short of it is the move is done. I have successfully relocated from Maryland in the United States to Cavite in the Philippines. Now I am involved in the unpacking phase, and soon I will  be setting up my workspace. Not really waiting in this case, just a lot of boxes sitting on the floor waiting to be sorted.

At least I have internet working, as that was a high priority. Admittedly it is cellular based, and the speed of service is limited by the time of day. Signal strength is not a problem, as I am within a kilometer of that eye sore, the cell tower. With the new cellular modem I am generally getting around 5 to 10 Mbs, and 25 to 40 Mbs during the late night and early morning. The ping rate is a somewhat high, but I can live with that for now. I am planning to get some fiber run to the house, but I get to hurry up and wait for that one too (no surprise there). At least the cellular modem was quick to setup.

By the end of next week, most everything should be unpacked. By the end of the month, I should be used to the weather, and have my workspace setup (and hopefully fiber run). So things are looking up, and I should be back to a more normal normal posting schedule.

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