Moving Forward

Published on February 3, 2022 at 2:35 pm by LEW

I have reached the point in this ongoing move where pretty much all my equipment, along with most of the furniture, is in storage. A very short time remains at this location, before moving on.  As a result I am down to a single laptop and my phone.

I am sitting on the floor and typing in the middle of an empty room, with the exception of an air mattress and a table improvised out of a cardboard box, contemplating the cycle. Not the cycle of life, but rather the cycle of moving. Unlike my last move, this one is more reminiscent of the moves in my early career. No more than a year or two in any one place. I moved to the current place around three years ago, from a house I was in for twenty years (had to do a lot of downsizing back then).

I have observed that this moving thing does not get any easier then older you get. It is actually a two handed issue. On the one hand, when I was younger, I could put everything I owned in a VW Bus (mine was a T2 with camper mod). Didn’t need a big moving truck back then. Not so today. On the other hand, I was a lot younger back then.

In another way this move is similar  to the ones of my youth. I am literally moving half way around the work. I used to do that a lot in my younger days. However in this case I do have a house waiting at the other end. I have not been back to it for a couple of years now, with the whole pandemic quarantine thing. Being retired, this time I am going to be there for awhile, with no job rush back to.

So enough ramblings. I am looking forward to getting there, as I have lots of things to get done, and lost of time to do them in. So enough of this rambling. I do have a small project to keep me busy while transitioning. So I will be doing  several posts about it.

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