Tag: Virtual Archive

Proxmox Storage

Published on February 2, 2024 at 3:50 am by LEW


Proxmox is the proverbial onion metaphor. And to get a handle on how storage works, we need to peel back a few layers. We should expect some layered complexity in the storage model, after all we are dealing with requirements for both the host (main) application and all the guest application (Virtual machines and Containers) running under the host. Additionally the varying partition structures, drive arrays,  and file systems will also increase the complexity of the system. (more…)

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Proxmox: Groups, Users, and Permissions

Published on January 31, 2024 at 7:08 pm by LEW


When dealing with users in Proxmox there are a few items to be aware of that could be considered, at least in my opinion,  somewhat non standard. The first is the concept of Realms. And no, this has noting to do with fantasy gaming. We can consider Realms to be various methods of authenticating and validating user. We will need to first understand this concept before moving forward with user creation. (more…)

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ProxMox Download and Install

Published on January 27, 2024 at 10:49 pm by LEW


Getting right into it, there are basically two ways to ways to install Proxmox; from easy the Proxmox install ISO, to the slightly more complicated installing Proxmox on top of an existing Debian Linux. In this series we will focus on the first option. (more…)

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Trying Cockpit on Debian 12 as Type 1 Hypervisor

Published on January 3, 2024 at 6:06 pm by LEW

The following video details some of my experiences setting up Debian and Cockpit as a Type 1 Hypervisor on consumer hardware. Needless to say, I had some issues, which I hope to resolve next time around.

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Debain 12, Virtualbox, and UEFI

Published on July 19, 2023 at 6:39 am by LEW


I tried to install Debian 12 in Virtualbox in UEFI mode, and ran into a problem. That being I could not install it directly. I thought I must be doing something wrong, because the installer kept going to a gray screen. But after some research I have come to the conclusion that not may people have tried the above combination. (more…)

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