Tag: shell Archive

Linux Command: cp (Copy)

Published on September 12, 2023 at 10:51 am by LEW


The cp command is part of the Linux Core Utilities. It can be thought of as an acronym for copy or copy-paste if you like. It is used to create copies of files and directories. (more…)

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Linux Command Line Part 5

Published on January 28, 2023 at 9:55 am by LEW


In the past several posts we have discussed the Linux Command Line and File System. We learned to look at directory content and move around the file system with ls and cd. In this post we will look at creating links, using a pipe, and viewing file content. We will be using the commands ln, cat, more, and less. (more…)

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Linux Command Line Part 4

Published on January 26, 2023 at 7:24 am by LEW


In this post we will be looking at the cd (change directory) and ls (list directory content). To do so we will need to discuss a couple of file system concepts first (the file tree and links). These will most likely be the two most used terminal commands for many users. (more…)

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The Linux Command Line Part 3

Published on January 21, 2023 at 7:18 am by LEW


In this post we will examine a few more commands, and there uses. Noting to complex at this point, as we are still learning to crawl. Specifically we will be looking at man (manual pages), whoami, and pwd (print working directory). Additionally we will take a look at where the command binaries (files) reside on your drive. This means we will touch, just a tinny bit, on the Linux File Structure. (more…)

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The Linux Command Line Part 2

Published on January 12, 2023 at 6:57 pm by LEW


In this post we will be discussing some basic features of the Linux terminal and the bash shell. This is a basic introduction, and will focus on general setup. As per the previous post, we are taking a simplistic approach, as this series of posts is for those relatively new to using a terminal. (more…)

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