Tag: Java Script Archive

Analog/Digital Clock – JavaScript – Part 7

Published on November 26, 2021 at 6:40 am by LEW


In the last post of the series we created the CSS for the digital clock. Now we finish up our CSS by creating the analog clock part. This is where we get to try out some of the really cool things we can do with CSS. (more…)

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Analog/Digital Clock – JavaScript – Part 6

Published on November 23, 2021 at 7:01 am by LEW


It is time to jump into the CSS part of this project. In the last post we created the basic HTML structure, now we need to style it with CSS. This is going to be somewhat long, so I am going to cover it in two posts. (more…)

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Analog/Digital Clock – JavaScript – Part 5

Published on November 20, 2021 at 9:44 am by LEW


We have reached the point in our project where it is finally time to start coding. There are going to be three separate files we will be working on;


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Analog/Digital Clock – JavaScript – Part 1

Published on November 16, 2021 at 7:43 am by LEW


In this series of posts I am going to be doing some programming. I will walk through the process I use for creating code. For this project we will be creating an Analog and Digital Clock display for a web browser that uses HTML, CSS, and Java Script.

Java Script Analog Dingital Clock (more…)

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