Tag: IP Archive

Static/Dynamic IP Address On Local Networks

Published on September 3, 2022 at 11:16 pm by LEW


There are a variety of reasonsĀ  you might want to have static or dynamic Internet Protocol (IP) addresses on your Local Area Network (LAN). In this post I will be considering some of the reasons why to set either static or dynamic IP address. (more…)

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Arch Linux Static Manual IP

Published on August 17, 2022 at 6:35 pm by LEW


I had occasion to set up a persistent static IP address on an Arch Linux installation a few days ago. So I turned to the Arch Wiki, which did have instructions for setting a non persistent static IP address. (more…)

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Networking: Network Address Translation (NAT)

Published on April 11, 2022 at 7:38 pm by LEW


Network Address Translation or NAT is a process that allows a private network segment to use a single public IP address for all internal clients, while hiding the client private IP address. There are a number of different ways to achieve this, but we are going to stay away from overly detailed technical discussions of the various options. Instead, we will focus on the fairly standardized outcome of the process. (more…)

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Cheap Micro IP Camera Tutorial

Published on March 28, 2022 at 5:23 pm by LEW


A while back I acquired a bunch of cheap IP Wifi cameras disguised as smoke detectors. Looking these up on the various shopping sites, they run anywhere between $20 to $40 dollars, depending on model, options, and seller. I am going to be testing two of these to see what I can do with them. (more…)

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DDNS With FreeDNS Part 1

Published on February 9, 2022 at 6:14 am by LEW


Today we will dive into a rather interesting and very useful topic, Dynamic Domain Name Service, Dynamic DNS, or just DDNS for short. We will be exploring this topic through the freedns.afarid.org DDNS service. (more…)

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