Tag: computers Archive

Tackling the Storage Monkey

Published on May 3, 2023 at 4:08 pm by LEW


Some days ago I decided to try out a couple of Network Attached Storage (NAS) applications in VirtualBox before deciding which one I would like to deploy on the network. And I came to a startling conclusion. I don’t really need NAS! (more…)

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File Permissions, and Ownership

Published on August 9, 2022 at 6:03 pm by LEW


One of the most important, and arguably one of the least understood by newcomers and average users, features of Unix/Linux is file permissions and ownership. (more…)

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Networking: Network Address Translation (NAT)

Published on April 11, 2022 at 7:38 pm by LEW


Network Address Translation or NAT is a process that allows a private network segment to use a single public IP address for all internal clients, while hiding the client private IP address. There are a number of different ways to achieve this, but we are going to stay away from overly detailed technical discussions of the various options. Instead, we will focus on the fairly standardized outcome of the process. (more…)

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