Category: Reviews

BeeLink Ser6 Max Review

Published on November 7, 2023 at 3:03 pm by LEW


I have just finished my preliminary look at a BeeLink mini computer I recently acquired. The specific model is the Ser6 Max-E-321. And let me say right at the start, there are a few issues with this offering that some might consider deal breakers. (more…)

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WM Review: OpenBox

Published on September 8, 2023 at 3:50 pm by LEW


In this post I will be reviewing the OpenBox Window Manager (WM). Over the past few months I have spent a significant amount of time installing, working with, configuring, and theming the OpenBox WM. I feel that because of this experience, I am now in a position to review the ins and outs of this particular WM. (more…)

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ARLO Security System Review

Published on April 25, 2023 at 10:35 am by LEW


I have been remiss in reviewing my ARLO system. The version I have  has been in place for many years, and has gone through several updates and upgrades. I can say with some authority that the ARLO Security System has some good capabilities. But I can also say that ARLO has its share of problems, price being one of them. (more…)

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An Inexpensive Vlogging Kit Review

Published on April 13, 2023 at 3:58 pm by LEW


I decided to look into improving my video productions (not that I am doing a lot of them). To this end I picked up something called the “Like Me Vlogging Kit” by Digipower. (more…)

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The EA App, Unfortunately Disappointing

Published on March 15, 2023 at 8:00 am by LEW


Electronic Arts (EA) has released their new game app to replace Origins. Recently it has become mandatory. Many a gamer has found themselves staring at the upgrade screen with no other options. And as it turns out, as bad as the Origins app was, the EA app, in many ways is even worse.

I do not want to come off as totally negative. Opening the application, it looks decent, and organization is not bad. The problem is that it is buggy and it is missing a few key features. Looks like another corporate rush job with unrealistic time lines, and designed by a committee, most of which will probably never use the app. Unfortunately that is what we have come to expect from corporate America.

And gamers, you are just going to take it. What are you going to do? Boycott EA? Not play your favorite games? Cancel your account? No to all of this. You are just going to take it, and EA Corporate knows this. Seriously, they do not expect to loose major market share, which is what it take to rectify these issues. (more…)

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