Category: Computer Builds

In this category I will be providing guidance on putting together different types of computer systems based on my personal experience. Desktops and servers covered here will most likely be Linux/Unix based, as I don’t really do MAC, and the only Windows computer I use is for gaming. Note: I plan to move to a Linux based computer for gaming soon, so stay tuned.

Arch, OpenBox, and SLIM on VirtualBox VM part 3 (Final)

Published on August 21, 2023 at 9:47 am by LEW

In this final post of this series, we get some GUI configuration utilities running for OpenBox, and get SLIM installed and setup as the Display manager.


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Arch, OpenBox, and SLIM on VirtualBox VM part 2

Published on August 7, 2023 at 6:37 pm by LEW

In this second part we install some needed helper applications, VirtualBox guest utilities, as well as OpenBox. At this point we are still configuring the system outside of the GUI. But we will get OpenBox installed and running before the end.


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Arch OpenBox and SLIM on VirtualBox VM Part 1

Published on August 3, 2023 at 4:59 pm by LEW

In this series we will explore emulating a more real life desktop experience though a VirtualBox (VBox) Virtual Machine.


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Hodgepodge 3xNAS Part 18 PLEX vs Kodi

Published on July 15, 2023 at 10:18 am by LEW

In this final installment of the series, we will look at the Media Servers PLEX and KODI. Both have a common origin and pedigree. And while both give you similar displays, under the hood they work in significantly different fashions. These differences should be the primary reason for choosing one over the other. This video talks about the more significant differences.


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Hodgepodge 3xNAS Part 17 SAMBA Setup

Published on July 14, 2023 at 1:31 pm by LEW

In this post we have a video about setting up some SAMBA shares on the server, then mapping them to drives on a Windows box. We will create a share for the users home directory, and one for a general shared directory. Along the way, there are a few additional items that will be covered. But this is basically it, the ser4ver is up and running and we have sharable disk space.


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