Category: Computer Builds

In this category I will be providing guidance on putting together different types of computer systems based on my personal experience. Desktops and servers covered here will most likely be Linux/Unix based, as I don’t really do MAC, and the only Windows computer I use is for gaming. Note: I plan to move to a Linux based computer for gaming soon, so stay tuned.

DNS on a Modified network

Published on December 22, 2023 at 1:21 am by LEW

Just performed an upgrade (at least I think so) of my local DNS server form a Raspberry Pi 3B to a 2nd generation Intel NUC. Had to do a littel repair work first, as the NUC was giving POST errors.

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Dual Boot Arch/Windows 11 on MSI RAIDER GE76

Published on December 6, 2023 at 6:16 am by LEW


In this exercise I will attempt to dual boot a laptop using Microsoft Windows 11 and Arch Linux. This laptop will be a daily driver for use in both the home and the field. Many people I work with are set in there ways and not willing to try something different, hence the need for Microsoft Windows. (more…)

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Minetest Server on Arch Linux Part 2

Published on October 3, 2023 at 5:41 am by LEW

The second part to my previous video on setting up a Minetest server on Arch Linux.  This video is more about configuration and loading mods, as the previous video covered initial setup. Also discussed are the advantages and disadvantageous of using the Minetest GUI server/host feature.


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Minetest Server on Arch Linux

Published on September 27, 2023 at 9:16 pm by LEW

A followup to my previous video on Minetest, we install a server on a base Arch Linux install in this video. Admittedly this is a lot more command line oriented, and will not be for everyone.

If the goal is just a server, then the Minetest client will work on pretty much any platform. If you are looking to go extremely light weight, then this type of install might be for you.


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Minetest on Windows 11

Published on September 25, 2023 at 12:54 pm by LEW

Attached is a link to a video I released about my experiences, so far, running Minetest as an alternative to Mindcraft.


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