Stanley + Starbucks Drip Coffee Set

Published on August 12, 2022 at 7:02 pm by LEW


Recently I came across a interesting piece at the local Starbucks here in Tagaytay. It is a drip coffee set that I have not been able to find on the Starbucks merchandise page.

Starbuck Pour Over Set

Of course I am a sucker for unusual items, so even though it was a bit on the expensive side (had the Starbucks name on it which always raises the price), I went ahead and got myself one. I note that it is marked as Stanley + Starbucks. May be why it is not on the Starbucks merchandise page.

This is a review of said product, which will determine if it gets regular use or goes up on the shelf as a curiosity.

The Product

The set consisted of an insulated cup with lid, and a pour over with a reusable metal filter. I already had the coffee and the pour over pot.

With a few exceptions the construction is pretty much all metal, and feels pretty solid. My other two pour overs are made form ceramic and plastic.

The metal filter is held in place with a plastic screw on fitting, and can easily be removed. The cup is double walled.


First things first, I dissembled everything and gave it a good cleaning, then let it air dry the night before. I will be using this to make my first morning cup of coffee( arguably the most important cup of the day as it kind of determines the tone of the rest of the day).

I will mention that the coffee I am using is a bag that was in the house. It is a little old (couple of months) and sightly on the course ground side. If I get a halfway decent cup of coffee out of this test, I will consider it a success.

Reassembling everything, I put the water on to boil, and added the coffee.

Using a circular pour I slowly add the hot water. The aroma coming off the coffee is excellent. The issue with this method is it takes a bit of time to make a cup. But then good things are worth waiting for.

Pour Over assembled

After the pour is finished I set the kettle aside, remove the pour over and try the coffee. It is a decent cup. Nice and strong and not overly bitter. There is a very slight metallic taste, but I am not sure if that is form the pour over and cup, or due to the age of the coffee. I believe it is form the coffee. I will grind some fresh beans and make another cup.

There was a little bit of grittiness towards the bottom of the cup, bu I expect that from a metal filter (I remember the old gold filters for drip coffee makers had the same issue). Paper filters have always been much better at filtering out the grit.


Yes, this involves a little more than pulling a filter and rinsing. I found the best way was to give the bottom a thump with the heel of the hand which dislodged most fo the coffee grounds. After which everything comes apart and can be easily cleaned.

Cleaning is a bit more involved, and I would not let all day with coffee grounds in it. But overall it is fairy easy to do.


Overall I give this device a positive rating, with the exception of the price (would probably be much more reasonably priced without the Starbucks name on it, but that is the nature of merchandising). The cleanup is a bit more extensive than with other pour overs using disposable filters, but only a little.

I am looking forward to using this tomorrow. I expect to move from a good to an excellent cup with fresh ground coffee.

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